MISSION: To provide resources, information, support, and HOPE to all those who are affected by advanced or metastatic cancer.

MCRC Awareness Day

Cancer Type

If Cancer Spreads

Spread to the Bones
If Cancer Spreads to the Bones
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If Cancer Spreads to the Brain
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Cancer Spreads to the Peritoneum
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If Cancer Spreads to the Liver
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If Cancer Spreads to the Skin
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If Cancer Spreads to the Lungs
Cover for Say YES to HOPE


To provide information, resources, support, and HOPE to those affected by advanced cancer or cancer that has spread to the liver from the original cancer

2 days ago

World Cancer Day.....a day to reflect, remember, and recharge with the grit and grace, determination and dedication to put an end to this disastrous disease. Help YES help those with advanced cancer find the resources, support, and hope to navigate the often confusing and lonely journey that occur when cancer spreads. www.sayyestohope.org/donate/#SayYEStoHope #beethechange #changetheworldofadvancedcancer #ifcancerspreads ... See MoreSee Less
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2 weeks ago

#ASCOGI25 is around the corner! Visit #SayYEStoHope at booth 68! Join us in declaring March 13th National Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Awareness Day!Learn about our life changing resources and programs! And always #SayYEStoHope!#ASCOGI25 #SayYEStoHope #AdvancedCancer #metastatic #multidisciplinary #ifcancerspreads #ittakesateam #AwarenessSavesLives #Asco #advocacy ... See MoreSee Less
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3 weeks ago

For the past 20 years, March has brought awareness to colorectal cancer. Knowledge about colonoscopies and the importance of symptoms and family history have saved countless lives! Adding to the success, our hope is those affected by colorectal cancer that has spread will benefit from National Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Awareness Day. Join all of us in making this a day to focus on those who are faced with a diagnosis of metastatic colorectal cancer! ... See MoreSee Less
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4 weeks ago

So much has changed in these past 20 years!Blog from January, 2018 - 13 years post my dose of little magic beads and now 19 years later!I was very sick on this day thirteen years ago. I had all but given up on living. I will never forget the soft voice on the phone before arriving at the hospital. My sweet friend Gordon was reassuring me that the treatment I was about to receive (called SIR-Spheres) was going to save my life. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I allowed his confidence to tiptoe into my mind. What if….what if he were right. With me I had a box of “little things” that held great importance. Ronnie reached across the car and his hand covered mine. He repeated for the millionth time, “It’s going to be ok.” I pulled out a now very wrinkled photo of HOPE in the sand sent to me by Keith Lyons and clutched tight to a small family photo. An angel rock that Jean DiCarlo Wagner had sent me gave me peace. She had told me it would be a reminder that I always had an angel with me. These small treasures brought me comfort in the difficult balance of holding onto a tiny glimmer of hope when the steadfast reality of despair loomed in every breath. I was scared. It was, however, that tiny glimmer and the HOPE that prevailed. Gordon was right and the outpatient procedure saved my life. I still feel the shock that not one medical professional told me about SIR-Spheres, but that he - another patient across the country - shared knowledge that would forever change the course of my life. Though SIR-Spheres did not cure me, it brought my liver tumors under control and allowed me to have more treatment. From this day thirteen years ago (now 20) I stopped dying from cancer and began living with it instead, making sure that every minute is filled with making memories and feeling the miracle of living. The treatment fueled my life into one filled with advocacy, commitment, and a passion that I never knew was possible. Thank you, SIR-Spheres, for the baker’s dozen! And so many more! ***SIR-Spheres were FDA approved in 2002, so it was a fairly new treatment when I received my dose of little magic beads. In late 2016 SIR-Spheres Y-90 resin microspheres were included as a Category 2A recommended treatment in the latest National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology for colon cancer and rectal cancer. This designation means that there is uniform consensus among the NCCN panel that selective internal radiation therapy (SIRT) with yttrium-90 microspheres is an appropriate option in patients with liver dominant, chemotherapy resistant colorectal disease.#colorectalcancer#metastaticcolorectalcancer#SayYEStoHope#ChangetheWorldofAdvancedCancer#BeeTheChange ... See MoreSee Less
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Stage 4 Cancer
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